Sunday, August 10, 2008


Today got off to a slow start, and I took the time to get my bike fully tuned up.

After Chris got back into town, Mike and I joined him for the Coburg Hills loop. The entire ride length ended up being over 85 miles, and Chris and Mike are both in good race shape, so I was hard-pressed to keep up. We did some tempo work pushing speeds between 25 and 30, and I managed to somehow hold the wheel in front of me. Felt really good considering the complete lack of race intensity I've had in the last several months. After the ride, my legs were toast.

After the ride we regrouped and met up at Mike's place for some BBQ chicken and grilled veggies (and beans, and salad, and sweet peas, and chips with salsa, and roasted garlic, and...). Here is Chris trying to figure out how to work the pepper grinder.

And here's Karey playing grill-master.

After dinner I watched some Olympic gymnastics and swimming. The men's 400 freestyle relay was absolutely insane, and when the announcer is screaming it's hard not to get into it.


  1. epic USA gold. did you hear about the opening ceremonies being CGI?

    pretty wack eh?

    ps. sprout is launching a sweet product tomorrow!

  2. I was sad to learn those footprint fireworks were cgi. Well done, but that was one of my favorite parts assuming it was real.
