And then we had ice cream at the Bent Spoon again. I found myself in a chocolaty mood, as I ordered ice cream consisting of a scoop of dark chocolate, double dark chocolate, and mint chocolate cookie. Excellent.
Princeton had a nice feel in the summer, but it's a great atmosphere to experience fall in as well. The colors of the trees changing combined with school being in session and fresh fall air made for a pleasant experience.
We're staying in Morristown, NJ prior to heading into New York, and after we arrived at the hotel I hunkered down for a while and set to work searching job sites (with less success than I might have liked) and read a bit. As of 10PM I finally got hungry, so I went to see what I could find. Molly had warned that food options near the hotel were sparse, and I quickly found that to be true. Plus it began raining about the time I headed out. I thought I'd found at least a decent solution when I saw Burger King, but,
Instead, I ended up at Cluck U Chicken, which was surprisingly good. I had some mac and cheese and a buffalo chicken wrap which was extremely spicy and really good.
They feature a hot sauce called 911 sauce. You have to sign a waiver before being served wings with it, and the waiver includes such stipulations as that you agree to not touch your hands to your eyes or any part of your body until you wash them after you consume the sauce. Serious stuff. I opted out, at least for tonight.
It's interesting having a public blog that can be read by anyone and everyone, and at the same time occasionally want to write things to remind yourself, but only privately. I've considered various ways of doing this within the blog, and have occasionally added seemingly obscure references or odd titles as personal memory triggers. If you see something confusing on the blog, there's about a 50% chance it's something only I'll get, and about 50% chance I'm just in a random sort of mood.
I want to write a post using nothing but metaphors. I also still plan to do some stream of consciousness at some point... problem is I never bring my laptop with so if that is to happen it will probably be while in my hotel room.
Confidence is the coldest of weapons.
Here's a puzzle for you. Don't spend more than five minutes on this one if you're not making any progress or you're wasting your time.
And even if you do figure that out, it's still cryptic! I know, I'm cruel. Tell you what, if you figure it out email me or facebook me or twitter me or something and let me know you cracked it, and I'll fill you in on what it means. I really hope, for your sake, you have a life and don't even attempt this time-waster. It took me long enough just to encrypt it.
I'm never going to be able to crack it! arugh you are irritating!