The WWII Memorial that is new since the last time I was in DC,
The Lincoln Memorial (Lincoln got the best memorial in my opinion - location-wise particularly),
The FDR Memorial (I'd never seen this one before, and it's a really peaceful outdoor, natural-feeling monument that gives a really nice tribute to Roosevelt),
Besides numerous quotes, the memorial also features waterfalls scattered throughout.
We walked along the Tidal Basin towards the Jefferson Memorial, and along the way encountered this amusing sign. I'm pretty sure if you don't see the low-hanging limbs, you're not going to see the sign.
We stopped briefly at the Jefferson Memorial and noticed that a swath has been cut through the trees so that you can see the White House from the steps of the Memorial.
After the Memorial walk, Nate and I met up with Molly at Chop't Creative Salad Company for some lunch. The restaurant features many different salads made right in front of you. If I had one near where I lived, I'd eat there a lot.
After Lunch Molly and I ended up at the National Air and Space Museum, where we wandered through some of the exhibits for a while.
We hopped the Metro back towards the hotel and Molly continued on to go to an Apple store to get a case for her new iPhone.
The Rosslyn Metro stop by our hotel features an extremely long escalator (as do many of the Metro stops). I'm still amazed by the infrastructure put in place for the Metro, and how much time, effort, and money had to have gone into building it.
This hotel is a nice 4 star (good work, Nate!), and the cars out front reflect that. Today I've seen a couple Maseratis as well as this Aston Martin.
Plus there's that whole free wine hour thing. Nate and I took advantage of that again.
I met up with Perry and Megan for some pizza at their place, and I was greated by a very excited Bailey (their dog).
While having pizza, we heard a transformer blow outside, and their power promptly went out. We finished dinner in the dark, and they dropped me back at the Metro station near their house.
There I met Rhett, and we went into DC to grab a drink. We ended up playing some pool.
Which turned into lots of games of pool, including a few with this guy named Larry.
I got back to the hotel just after midnight and promptly fell asleep.
Just like the good ol days at taylors bar and grill :) Shootin pool and takin names.