First I finished off the last couple hundred pages of Total Control, the David Baldacci book I've been reading. It was a fast-paced read with lots of action.
Then I read the first half of The Kite Runner. Stephen read it first and passed it off to Molly, and now it's my turn. It's a great read so far, and Hosseini puts it very well when he writes, "sad stories make good books."
Tomorrow, I expect to finish that book and perhaps start on the next one.
A side note: The new Bond film coming out in November looks to be really good based on the trailer.
I had to give reading a rest for awhile to ponder on Kite Runner after finishing it. Excellent thought-provoking story.
The book I am reading now, I find myself just skimming through it just to finish it. I heart the Kite Runner! ;)