Baltimore seems to be a city of tall spires and cathedrals. One of the skyscrapers downtown even emulates the style. This old church was among the most notable ones we saw.
When we got oriented in the right direction, we ended up at Attman's, a famous Baltimore deli.
They are best known for their corned beef and authentic Jewish rye, so I had corned beef on rye. It was excellent.
After lunch Nate headed back to the hotel and Molly and I took a walk towards the waterfront. I hadn't spent much time pondering Baltimore architecture before arriving and was surprised by how many old buildings there ware, but I did know it is a big port town. The South Harbor is no longer used for shipping, but is now the museum/aquarium/park area of downtown.
Molly and I were both torn about the use of some of the older buildings. On one hand, reusing old factories is a really cool idea, but it just seems like one more example of consumer culture trumping real culture and history.
After the walk, I wrote the event recap from the weekend's event, waited very patiently for the snail-pace hotel internet to load pages, and watched some TV. I met up with Nate and Molly again for some Thai dinner, and then was going to go Geocaching with Stephen, but those plans got postponed until tomorrow morning. Instead, I spent an hour trying to get the internet to let me create and publish this blog post.
what is this 'Geocaching'? I suppose I could Google it...