After that, Mike and I went to play some poker. This was the plan, but playing at Ceasar's Palace was not. The minimum buy-in was $100 with a maximum $500, so we bought in at $100 and found ourselves immediately being bullied by bigger stacks at the table held by some Vegas locals. I was all-in within the first 10 hands, and luckily won the hand, but the game started out extremely intense. I was really happy with how I played, and I was up $200 at one point after several good hands and several even better bluffs, but then I lost $80 on a hand after losing several smaller hands and decided to walk away up $100. Fun times. I had two different full houses and an Ace-10 stright after the flop. Plus I sucessfully bluffed a 10-2 with absolutely nothing to play off of on the table.
After the expo yesterday, we started off the evening with some rum and Coke at the hotel, and then we went out to explore and see what sorts of interesting gambling we could find. We played a wheel game (not sure of the name) that is a great game to play while drinking since it requires very little thought and even less skill. We played a few slots, and then went back to the wheel. I lost at every game, but somehow managed to only lose $15, which is mostly thanks to having won one bet of 40-1 on the wheel game.
Today's expo was my final day of expo work, and it was nice to have the forklifts load our booth straight out to the finish line area, which saved one full round of loading and unloading compared to many weekends. However, because it was union labor it still took several hours longer than it needed to. Tonight is very low-key since we have to leave the hotel at 4:30 tomorrow morning, but tomorrow night should be fun. Molly and I are going to the Circe Du Soleil show Mystere which I expect to be blown away by, and then after that Mike and I have talked about going to find another poker table where I'll play the rest of my winnings from the other night and either leave Vegas completely even or up even more.
Since I've been busy having fun, I haven't taken many pictures while we've been out. Here are a few random ones.
A fountain filled with cranberries
Stephen posing with a pair of Crocs at Mario Batali's restaurant (Batali has his own signature Crocs)
Standing under a lion at MGM Grand
A Volcano at Rainforest Cafe
Waiting around for our stuff to be moved into the expo hall... and waiting... and waiting...
A bunch of Elvises running around the expo. A bunch of them will be running in the morning as well
Anyone else thinking Ocean Spray for that cranberry fountain?
ReplyDeletedon't go thinking you are some poker king now buddy. lets play some poker over new years and see how it goes ;)