Thursday, February 5, 2009

Techificationally speaking...

Today was one of those days that was really productive, but with not much to show for it. I spent all day building an greater online job-hunting presence, which included:

-Creating a business card and profile at BusinessCard2

-Creating an online CV at VisualCV and submitting it to various companies through the site

-Creating a profile on JobFox

-Reading strategies on personal branding and online social resume formats

This, in addition to the normal job hunting routine which includes:

-Checking Linkedin job listings
-Checking Craigslist jobs for a bunch of different metro areas
-Doing a bunch of different job term searches on
-Checking the sites of 15-20 local companies that I'd like to work for in search of new job listings
-Looking at several different outdoor industry job sites
-Searching through my ever-increasing list of nationwide companies I'd like to work at for new job listings
-ideally finding maybe one (2-3 if I'm lucky) jobs to apply for

Throw in catching up on the news, social media websites, and online ad/marketing publications and my day is pretty much full.

1 comment:

  1. Adam. Thanks for signing up for a BusinessCard2. Much appreciated!

    - Lief
